You Know It When You See It: Designing a Delightful End-to-End Patient Experience
One of the most critical components of all experiences is the ending. Disney World is one of those...
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One of the most critical components of all experiences is the ending. Disney World is one of those...
In a throwback to a podcast with Joseph Kim, Chief Strategy Officer at ProofPilot, Brad Hightower,...
In the dynamic realm of clinical research, basic adherence to the protocol stands as the definition...
Micah Lieberman and I recently had a live chat on LinkedIn about getting the most out of the SCOPE...
Clinical research requires an extensive amount of documentation: protocols, manuals, visit guides,...
Don’t believe the hype. Most patient dropouts CANNOT be avoided.
Elevated Patient Engagement and Protocol Success through Next-Gen Solutions at ProofPilot
Clinical trials play a crucial role in advancing medical knowledge, but they can be demanding for...
Clinical research is a collaborative process, involving close cooperation between patients,...
Trial feasibility sometimes feels like a progressive game of bait and switch. In other words, early...