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ProofPilot - 2024 Trends Report-1

2024 Trends Report

This report offers valuable insights into the top three things that won't change in 2024, providing a fresh perspective on what remains constant amidst the ever-evolving landscape of clinical research. 
Data Return Series 1 (1)

Data Return Series - Installment 1

Learn why returning patient data was so challenging in the past and the impact it can have on patients and trust.
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Innovation Playbook

Read Joe Kim's (our Chief Strategy Officer) sage advice on how to transform innovative ideas into actionable steps at your pharma company. 
Patient Engagement Series - Installment 1 Cover

Patient Engagement Series - Installment 1

Our Patient Engagement Series deliver bite-sized insights derived from real-life metrics on patient behavior in clinical trials. 
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Patient Engagement Series - Installment 2

In the second installment, we explore crucial elements driving successful participation in clinical research.
Orchestrating Clinical Trials

Orchestrating Clinical Trials

Learn how ProofPilot's platform orchestrates the entirety of the clinical trial process and the critical role that integrations play in achieving seamless operation.
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Optimize Clinical Trial Enrollment with Calendar Sync

Learn the transformative potential of ProofPilot's Calendar Sync feature in optimizing patient recruitment strategies for pharma-sponsored studies.
Webinars and Videos
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Unlocking the Science of Protocol Compliance

Watch this enlightening webinar where industry leaders converged to unveil the pivotal role of protocol compliance in clinical research success.
Webinar - Website Thumbnails

Can small pharma and biotech companies truly innovate in clinical research? 

Watch this webinar and learn how your peers from Geneos Therapeutics, Rezolute, Inc., Terns Pharmaceuticals, and Yonalink balance on-trial innovation and successful trial delivery
Video Covers (1)

Patients As Partners 2024: Sabina's Story

As a rare disease patient, caregiver, and advocate, Sabina's journey through clinical trials highlights the importance of transparent communication, better patient engagement and data return in clinical research.
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Patients As Partners 2024: Mackenzie's Story

In this video, Mackenzie, a rare disease patient and advocate, shares her experience participating in a research study on encephalomyelitis. 
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SCRS 2024 IncluDE: Empowering Research-Naïve Sites for DEI

Our CSO Joseph Kim, along with Marland May, MS, Jane Williams MD MPH, and Lisa Bjornestad, shared strategies on how to deliver success in terms of Equity in support, and how technologies built with Inclusive design principles can raise the tide for all boats.
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SCOPE 2024: Protocol Bowl

Watch this video as two teams engaged in a high-stakes battle to complete a 1-page clinical protocol. The twist? One team harnessed the power of ProofPilot's real-time digital guidance workflow, while the other stuck to the traditional paper format.
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SCRS W Site Solutions Summit 2024: Understanding Tech Burnout At The Site Level

Our CSO Joseph Kim and industry experts explored the real causes of technology-induced burnout among site staff and shared practical solutions to improve well-being, productivity, and job satisfaction.

Patient Recruitment Challenge: Site Perspectives

In this video, sites discussed the challenges of patient recruitment.

Case Studies
Case Study Template

Revolutionizing Migraine Research: A Big Pharma Success Story with ProofPilot

Discover how a leading pharmaceutical company achieved unprecedented success in migraine and tension headache research with ProofPilot.